By Dave Moore
When you look back at the great rounds you've played,
what comes to mind? Sure, you were putting good. And
I'm sure your drives were at least playable.
And when I look back on my better scores, all those factors
are true, but the one thing that stands out is my short
game, around the green.
Let me clarify something. Although the title of this lesson is
"Be One with your Wedge," what I really mean is "Be One
with the Club You Use around the Greens"... but that title
didn't sound catchy enough. :-)
The short game is totally about comfort and feel. You really
need to get a mental image of yourself hitting the perfect
shot. Don't mess around with trying all kinds of fancy-crazy
shots unless you totally have them in your bag. Make the
same consistent shot over and over. Just focus on the
power of that repeatable chip.
What helps me is imagining that my sand wedge (this is the
club I use around the greens - yours might be a pitching
wedge or 8 iron, etc.) is an extension of my left arm. I view
it as almost another part of my body.
And when I successfully keep that focus through the round
my scores are generally 4 to 5 strokes better.
Another thing to keep in mind is that age-old advice of
trying to chip the ball so that it stops within a 3 foot circle
around the hole.
After playing a couple holes take a look back at any chips
you've had around the greens. Then adjust your power
(notice I said power - not the type of shot) accordingly.
Have you been running the ball by the hole? Then lessen
your power a bit. Feel like your chipping club is part of you.
This advice may seem a little primitive, but it is so very
essential to lower your score.
Dave Moore is the author of the Anti-Slice Swing
System which has drawn rave reviews like this one:
“Thanks very much for creating this program…I am
quite a skeptic with cure-all fixes – however, yours is
just amazing.” – Matthew F., Willowville, OH.
Tom's Golf Tips