PROBLEM: Hitting the ball with a closed clubface, causing
shots to curve to the left.

The first thing you should do is check your grip.  The Vs in
each hand should point over your right shoulder.  If they
point farther right, your grip is too “strong” and could
produce a closed face and a hook at impact – when the
hands return to their normal position.   

If your grip is proper and you are still hooking, try weakening
your grip by gradually moving both hands to the left.

Check your stance to make sure that your feet, knees, hips
and shoulders are parallel to your target line.

One cause could be the ball location.  If it is too far back, it
could produce an excessive in-to-out swingpath.

Grip club more in the palm of your hands, rather than the
fingers, to reduce wrist action and premature closing of the

Make sure that your left wrist is not too relaxed at impact.   If
it is, your right wrist will take over and close the clubface too

On the downswing, make sure that the action begins with
your legs and body to guard against wrists unhinging and
closing the clubface too soon.
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If you watch a game, it's
fun.  If you play it, it's
recreation.  If you work at it,
it's golf -- Bob Hope